শনিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Questions about Health and Fitness...Ask MommyFit for Free!


Do you have Health or Fitness questions concerning you or your children? Questions like, ?How can I boost mine and my children?s immune system this cold and flu season?? ?Do I have to deal with Sneeze Pees for the rest of my life?? What are some great exercises to get rid of my tummy pooch??

Ask MommyFit! MommyFit is total Fitness and Wellness resource. MommyFit?s team of fitness and health professionals are experts in Women?s Health Challenges (incontinence, pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse); Pre-Conception, Pre-Natal, and Post-Partum Fitness; Nutrition (with a holistic approach); and Health Coaching.

We want to help you and your children be healthy, happy, and strong! Ask away!

Email Dani Simonian, B.S., ATC, AFFA, and Certified Health Coach at dani@bemommyfit.com, or message MommyFit on Facebook.

Source: http://www.chestercountymoms.com/2012/12/questions-about-health-and-fitnessask.html

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